In an interview with Sports Tak, the Chairman of the PCB Management Committee Najam Sethi said Pakistan won’t travel to India for the World Cup 2023. He said the Pakistan government won’t allow their team to travel to India for the World Cup 2023 if the Indian government won’t allow their team to tour Pakistan for Asia Cup 2023.
The Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) has been outspoken in its opposition to sending the Indian Cricket Team to Pakistan for the Asia Cup 2023. The BCCI expressed concerns about playing cricket in Pakistan, citing safety reasons. In response, the Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) proposed a hybrid tournament format, meaning that Team India’s matches will be held in a neutral venue. However, this plan does not capture the interest of broadcasters and the ACC, further complicating issues.
The World Cup 2023 will be hosted by India. In the interview regarding Asia Cup 2023, Sethi connects the Asia Cup 2023 with the World Cup 2023 and said the statement about the Pakistani team also won’t tour India if the Indian team won’t tour Pakistan. Then he said World Cup 2023 will also be played in a hybrid model where Pakistan games will be played in neutral venues. He also said the Pakistani team will travel to India for WC 2023 if the Indian team also travels to Pakistan for Asia Cup 2023.